3 Ways to Develop Self Awareness
In a famous study on self awareness, 95% of participants indicated that they are self aware.
What researchers found? Is that only 15% actually are. 🙈
So, it looks like *most* of us could stand to develop our self awareness: Here are three strategies to help you do that:
1. Keep a Daily Journal
Writing about your day, your thoughts, and how you felt can help you identify patterns in your behavior and thinking. It’s a space for self-reflection and honesty. Over time, you might find links between your actions and your emotional states, which can be insightful for personal development.
2. Set Aside Time for Self-Reflection
Dedicate a few minutes each day to self-reflection. This can be a moment of silence in the morning or a meditative walk in the evening. Use this time to ask yourself questions like, “What am I feeling right now?” or “Why did I react that way today?”
3. Experiment with Your Comfort Zone
Stepping out of your comfort zone can reveal a lot about your limits, fears, and potential. Try new things, whether it’s a different type of food, a new exercise routine, or even striking up a conversation with a stranger. Observe how these experiences make you feel and what they teach you about your preferences and aversions.
When do you feel most self-aware?