33 Self-Care Practices That Take Less Than 1 Minute
Life is full of surprises and moments that feel like we’re being pulled in a million directions. But guess what? In between those hectic moments, there are pockets of time—just tiny, brief ones—that we can claim for ourselves. And sometimes, a minute is all we need.
Tiny acts of self care can help us come home to ourselves. Try one of these mini-practices next time you’re feeling a bit lost.

- Deep Breathe: Inhale for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4. It’s simple but transformative.
- Stretch Up: Reach your arms high above your head, elongate your spine, and feel the space you occupy in this world.
- Hydrate: Take a generous sip of water. Your body and mind thrive when hydrated.
- List One Gratitude: Whisper or jot down one thing you’re grateful for today.
- Affirm Yourself: Say one positive thing about yourself, out loud.
- Grounding Touch: Place both feet firmly on the ground. Feel the earth beneath you.
- Quick Doodle: Grab a pen and let it dance on a piece of paper. No rules. Just flow.
- A Sip of Tea: The warmth, the aroma, the tranquility. Let it envelop you.
- Wiggle Your Toes: A silly yet effective way to bring your focus back to the now.
- Look Out a Window: Nature, buildings, people. Just observe without judgment.
- Close Your Eyes: Let your eyelids touch and give them a short rest.
- Shoulder Roll: Roll them back, then forward. Release that tension.
- Wrist Circles: Especially good if you’ve been typing or crafting.
- Mini Dance: Play a favorite tune in your head and let your body move.
- Smile: Even if you don’t feel like it. The act can lift your spirits.
- Silent Laugh: It sounds odd, but try it! It’s a mood booster.
- Essential Oils: A drop of lavender or peppermint can refresh your senses.
- Clean a Tiny Spot: Wipe your desk, declutter a small section, or straighten a cushion.
- Enjoy Chocolate: A small piece. Let it melt and savor the moment.
- Lip Balm: A tiny ritual that feels nurturing.
- Mini Meditation: Envision a bubble of light around you. It’s protective and warm.
- Eye Palming: Rub your hands together, place them over your eyes. Feel the warmth.
- Hum a Tune: Your favorite lullaby or pop song. Anything.
- Text a Heart: To someone you care about. No words, just a heart emoji.
- Drop Your Shoulders: We often hunch without realizing. Let them drop.
- Cool Cloth: Place it on your forehead or the back of your neck.
- Two-Minute Journal: Yes, it’s two minutes but jotting a sentence about your day can work wonders.
- Hold a Crystal: If you believe in their energy. Let it ground and energize you.
- Nature Sounds: Play a short clip of rain, ocean, or birds.
- Hand Massage: Squeeze, rub, release. Your hands deserve it.
- Quote Inspiration: Read a short inspiring quote. Let it sink in.
- Stare at Art: Have a piece of art or a beautiful image nearby. Gaze at it.
- Candle Gaze: If you have one lit, just watch the flame dance for a moment.
In our fast-paced lives, it’s these small moments of pause that often mean the most. They help us reconnect, re-center, and realign. You deserve these moments of care, and they’re always within reach, no matter how busy life gets.
Remember, lovely souls, you are important, cherished, and worthy. Take those little pockets of time for yourself. They make all the difference.