Grand Rising: Meaning, Tradition, and Ritual

Have you noticed that people on social media have started saying “Grand Rising” in their posts and stories? Grand rising has become a popular way to say “good morning” in the last few years. But what does “Grand Rising” actually mean? And where did it come from?

Here’s what I found out.

Why Do People Say “Grand Rising” instead of “Good Morning?”

There are a few different theories about the meaning of “grand rising” and why it’s become a popular alternative to “good morning.” One possibility is that it’s simply a more poetic way of greeting the day. You have to admit: there’s kind of a cool aesthetic to it.

Another is that it’s a way of affirming one’s own power and strength, or acknowledging the strength of those around you. When I really stop to think about it, the words do have a more powerful feeling behind them compared to “Good Morning.”

Still another theory, according to, is that the word “morning” is too close to the word “mourning,” and that people therefore prefer a more positive way of greeting the day. There is a spiritual significance to using words more intentionally, which may be why many people choose to say Grand Rising.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that grand rising has become an important part of modern culture, with many people adopting it as their everyday morning greeting.

I feel like it is a more intentional way of greeting someone else in the morning. That’s what I appreciate about it.

Is Saying Grand Rising Cultural Appropriation?

Some people have accused those who use the phrase “grand rising” of cultural appropriation. The argument goes that the phrase is derived from African-American culture, and that therefore only black people should be using it. There is some evidence online that the phrase originated in the Caribbean.

Others have pushed back against this claim, pointing out that grand rising is simply a way of greeting the day, and that anyone who feels called to can use it without remorse.

Personally, I first learned of the term and associate it more with “Woke” or “California” culture. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a verifiable origin of the term.

At the end of the day, it’s up to each person to decide whether they are comfortable saying “grand rising” or not. As always, we should all be respectful and mindful about how we communicate.

The Power of Intentional Language

The words we use matter. When we greet the day with “grand rising,” we can send a message of positivity and optimism to everyone around us. Changing up the language we use interrupts the patterns we’ve been in, and a morning greeting is a really natural place we can do that. If changing patterns is something that needs to happen for you right now, that might be a nice little hack for you.

Should You Start Saying Grand Rising?

That’s up to you! If it feels empowering to you, it might be a good shift to make. If it doesn’t feel right, there’s nothing wrong with forgoing this new morning expression. At least now you know that’s all there is to it and you’re not missing out on some hidden meaning or something.

You know. you can even make up your own morning greeting. That’s the beauty of language: it’s constantly evolving. If you do, let me know what it is in the comments below.

I personally don’t use the expression, “Grand Rising” but I do understand and appreciate the beauty behind it.

How to Respond to Someone Saying “Grand Rising”

So, what do you say back when someone says, “Grand Rising?” You can choose any response that you would use if someone said “Good Morning” to you. You can say, “Good Morning.” You could also say, “Grand Rising” back to the person. Whatever greeting you normally use in the morning is appropriate.

Have you ever heard of this expression, “Grand Rising?” What do you think of it?

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