5 Ways to Learn About Herbalism Today

I began learning about plant medicine when I was maybe 9 or 10. My dad taught me about Plantago major, a common plant that helps soothe certain skin issues. I was fascinated! Since then, I’ve read books, taken classes, and used to sell a line of my own herbal preparations.

I know that a lot of people are really curious about herbalism and want to learn more, but aren’t really sure how to begin. They see the benefit of using natural remedies, but feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the information out there. If that sounds like you, here are five ways to learn about herbalism today:

1. Read Books

There are many great books available on herbalism. Start with a few general books that cover a wide range of herbalism topics.

Some of well-loved books I learned a lot from as a beginner include:

2. Take Classes

There are often classes offered on herbalism at local community colleges or through parks and recreation departments. If you can learn from a local herbalist, that’s even better!

I enjoyed my time studying with Herbal Academy, and recommend them all the time because you can take the classes at your own pace online from wherever you are. The Introductory Course is a great place to get started, but they have courses and workshops available for a range of skill levels.

3. Join an Herbalism Community

It’s always good to connect with other like-minded people. There are online communities, local meetups, and even Facebook groups devoted to herbalism where you can ask questions and learn from others.

One of my favorite groups is the student group on Facebook for Herbal Academy students. I also recommend searching for herbalism communities specific to your region, since you’ll learn more about the plants that are in your area.

4. Study Plant Identification

Learning to identify plants is a key part of herbalism. You need to know which plants are safe to use and which ones to avoid.

Here is one of many great starting points for learning plant ID.

5. Make a Simple Herbal Remedy

One of the best ways to learn about herbalism is to get your hands dirty and start making your own remedies. There are many simple recipes that you can try, such as:

One thing to know about herbalism is that you never really stop learning. There are always more plants to learn about and different situations to apply your knowledge.

Have you ever wanted to learn about herbalism? What stopped you from getting started? Let me know in the comments below! I’m happy to answer any questions you have as you begin your herbalist journey.

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