Living the Soft Life
What does it mean to live the soft life? For me, it means taking care of myself and my loved ones, being kind to others, and enjoying the simple things in life.
Originating in the Nigerian influencer community, the phrase “soft life” or “soft era” denotes an existence of comfort and pleasure that minimizes anxiety. The #SoftLife hashtag has soared on TikTok with its 378.1 million views, due to creators/influencers who have made it fashionable by emphasizing self-care over hustling – a reaction against the 2010s’ “girlboss” culture, perhaps?
The “Soft Life” aesthetic is a direct opposite of hustle culture. Instead of pursuing success and fame, it encourages us to be content with living a simple life. Interestingly enough, the soft life feels much more luxurious than the daily grind of the hustle.
This lifestyle means taking time out each day to do something nice for yourself, like reading a good book, taking a walk in the park, or indulging in your favorite hobby. It also means being mindful of how you spend your time and energy and not overcommitting yourself to too many activities at once.
Many people choose to pursue their passions without the need for material wealth or recognition. They focus on building relationships, developing inner peace, and finding joy in the small moments that make up our days.
It’s about creating a lifestyle that is sustainable and makes me happy. And I think more people should give it a try! Here’s why…
Benefits of Living a Soft Life
1. Mental Clarity – The soft life allows us to break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and give ourselves the time necessary to connect with our thoughts and feelings.
2. Financial Freedom – When we choose not to live a materialistic lifestyle, we are able to save our money for what really matters.
3. Increased Appreciation – Living a soft life helps us to appreciate each moment and be thankful for the little things in life, such as an unexpected sunset or a kind gesture from a stranger.
4. Improved Relationships – By living with intention and being mindful of our interactions, we are able to cultivate meaningful relationships that bring joy and fulfillment to our lives.
5. Connectedness – When we take the time to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life, we are able to feel more connected with ourselves, each other, and nature.
6. Space for creativity – A soft life encourages us to express ourselves creatively and explore our hobbies without the pressure of external expectations or standards.

How to Achieve a Soft Life
Create routines that allow you to live slowly.
Take an hour each day to meditate, practice yoga, or simply be in nature. Cultivate a daily self care ritual that aligns with your goals and values.
Prioritize your relationships with yourself and others. Make sure to take time out of your day to do something that makes you feel alive.
Learn to let go of materialistic desires and feelings of comparison. Remind yourself that true wealth is found within.
Choose to use your energy and resources in ways that bring joy and fulfillment instead of stress and anxiety.
Invest in comfort pieces for your home. A quality mattress, nice towels, and comfortable clothes can all make a difference. Living the soft life is about creating a lifestyle that nourishes your soul and allows you to appreciate each day for all its beauty and simplicity. It’s an opportunity to practice kindness, cultivate meaningful relationships, slow down and enjoy the simple moments, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life.
Maintain peaceful relationships.
Invest in quality friendships instead of pursuing superficial ones.
Create boundaries in your relationships, so you can deal with conflict in healthy ways.
Boundaries on social media are important, too. Unplugging is essential for maintaining balance in life and the soft life encourages us to be mindful of our digital presence.
Practice self-care and self-love. Take time out for yourself each day to reconnect with your inner self and indulge in activities that make you feel alive.
Live intentionally by staying mindful of the decisions you make and how they impact others. Ask yourself if your actions are in alignment with your values and goals.
Build trust with yourself.
One of the vulnerable parts of soft living is that others may criticize your choices, since it is different from the norm. It’s important to trust yourself and that you are making the best decisions for your life.
Improve your self-talk.
Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, so it’s important to be kind to yourself and practice positive self-talk. Reject negative thoughts whenever they come up and replace them with affirmations of your worthiness.
Leading a soft life is about living with intention and kindness, slowing down, savoring the moments, and allowing yourself to be guided by your values and goals. Take time to nurture yourself, stay mindful of your interactions, and cultivate meaningful relationships that bring joy and fulfillment into your life. By doing this, you can achieve true wealth within and create an abundant life full of love and abundance.
Lean into the things you enjoy.
It’s okay to indulge in the things you love and make time for activities that bring you joy. Be comfortable with who you are and don’t feel pressured to conform to societal standards.
Surround yourself with supportive people. Being around people who uplift and support your life choices is essential for leading a soft life. Having meaningful relationships with people who understand your journey is an important part of self-care.
Remember that true wealth comes from within. Life’s biggest riches are found within ourselves and our relationships. Focus on cultivating a lifestyle that brings love, joy, and abundance into your life instead of chasing external expectations or standards.
By living a soft life, we can create a lifestyle that allows us to redefine success and prioritize what really matters in our lives: inner peace, meaningful relationships, and joy-filled moments. We don’t have to impress anyone – we just have to be true to ourselves.
If you’re finding that the fast pace of the world is starting to wear on your mental health, consider making some changes to slow down your lifestyle. It can be as simple as wake up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy a cup of coffee or taking a walk around the neighborhood after dinner. easing into a slower lifestyle may take some time, but it’s worth it for better peace of mind in the long-run.
Photo by Monika Kozub and Kendall Scott on Unsplash